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© Copyright 1995-2025 Personal website of Johan van Soest

This document describes the copyright information regarding all elements of the website


  1. An element is regarded:
    1. a text fragment
    2. a graphical fragment
    3. a code fragment
  2. The term design includes :
    1. the way texts are written and placed on the site
    2. the way the site lay-out is realised and styled
    3. the placement of the graphical elements in, around and behind the text fragments
    4. the way graphical elements are constructed
  3. Mayor change : elements that are edited or changed by the copyright owner Johan van Soest in such a way that new functionality and / or a new lay-out is created. These elements differ in a mayor way from the original elements from the original copyright owners.
  4. Own designs: elements that are designed by the Copyright owner Johan van Soest or have undergone a mayor change by the Copyright owner Johan van Soest.
  5. The web-site of Johan van Soest is limited by all elements that are contained in the web-site All references on the web-site of Johan van Soest to web-sites outside the web-site belong to their respective owners. They are responsible for their own copyright declaration.

Following elements on the web-site of Johan van Soest are classified as:

Own copyrighted designs:

  1. All texts
  2. All graphical elements excluding:

    The Beatles Site

    The Beatles
    Mozilla Firefox Firefox

    MS-Office dog





  3. All code elements whether on the client or on the server, except:
    1. Rich Text Editor (public domain) from Fieldspar Software (Site ceased to exist)
    2. wz_tooltip.js (LGPL) from Walter Zorn.
    3. ASPTwitter free and open library for allowing the authenticated Twitter API 1.1+ to be used.
    4. by Chad Smith. Unlicensed
    5. QR-Code-Styling door Denys Kozak.MIT License
    6. LeafletJs an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps BSD 2-Clause License
Open Data:
  1. Latest Air Quality as Open Data provided with the consent of
  2. Latest weather information as Open Data provided under license by fully green company.
  3. Open Street map data

Names and trademarks

All brand names and product names used in this web-site are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.

Following trademarks are owned by Johan van Soest:
  1. ™
  2. WebHalla ™
  3. ElectroHalla ™
  4. ReBaUp ™
  5. e-Coder ™
  6. "Atlantis model"™


In case any copyright owner assumes to have the undisputable copyrights on any element of the web-site of Johan van Soest and Johan van Soest claims to hold the copyright, the owner must immediately contact Johan van Soest and report the claim by e-mail. This e-mail should contain the proof of:

  1. the origin of the element is created by the owner
  2. the owner has the complete copyrights to this element
  3. the disputed element has been published by the respective owner on any medium before it was published on the web-site of Johan van Soest


The information, text, pictures, scripts, examples, links and other components provided on the website of are provided as a service by the author. All liability claims against the author in relation to material or non-material losses caused by the use, misuse or non-use of the information provided, or the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are excluded. All content is subject to change and provided without obligation. The author expressly reserves the right to change, delete, suspend or withdraw the website, either in part or in full, without giving notice. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not express the views or opinions of his employer.
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Weather in Waalre by OpenWeatherMap logo mist
Temperature -0.93 °C mist
Wind chill -0.93 °C mist
Humidity 96 % mist
Air pressure 1021 hPa mist
Wind speed 0.51 m/s mist
Wind direction North North mist
Sun Rise 8:31 Sun Rise
Sun Set 17:06 Sun Set
Updated:2025-01-20 12:11:00 mist
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