ICT-Hotlist TopicDNSCMD some examplesList all the zones of your Windows server DNSSyntax:
dnscmd <ServerName> /enumzones
dnscmd nlaaldns1 /enumzones
Enumerated zone list: Zone count = 4 Zone name Type Storage Properties . Cache AD-Legacy 1.1.10.in-addr.arpa Primary AD-Legacy Update Rev Aging vansoest.local Primary AD-Legacy Update Aging TrustAnchors Primary AD-Forest Aging Command completed successfully. Get an overview of all the DNS records in one of the zones.Syntax:
dnscmd <ServerName> /enumrecords <zone> @
dnscmd nlaaldns1 /enumrecords vansoest.local @
nlaaldns1 1200 A nlaalfs1 1200 A Desktop [Aging:3629480] 900 A Notebook [Aging:3629502] 1200 A Tablet [Aging:3629507] 1200 A TSProfiles 3600 CNAME nlaalfs1.vansoest.local. vansoest.it 3600 CNAME ::1 Quickly get the Canonical names (CNAME) from the DNSSyntax:
dnscmd <ServerName> /enumrecords <zone> @ | FindStr CNAME
dnscmd nlaaldns1 /enumrecords vansoest.local @ | FindStr CNAME
TSProfiles 3600 CNAME nlaalfs1.vansoest.local. vansoest.it 3600 CNAME ::1
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