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The ICT hotlist is a knowledge base containing the themes listed below:
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ActiveDirectory hotlist Active Directory for Experts

BusinessContinuityManagement hotlist Business Continuity Management

Citrix hotlist Citrix® Program Neighborhood / XenApp / VDI

Clustering hotlist Hard to find quality Clustering tips

Databases hotlist Database tips

DNSTips hotlist Domain Name Server (DNS) Tips (as referenced in my article in

Exchange hotlist Microsoft Exchange 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and Lync Tips

gdpr hotlist GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Genealogy hotlist Genealogy of family van Soest 't Aengevaeren

Globalization hotlist Globalization of software and Windows™ PC's

Hardware hotlist Hardware

ICTEconomices hotlist ICT, Economics and security

ICTHelpdeskHotlist hotlist ICT Helpdesk Call's / Humour

Magazines hotlist Magazines (mostly Dutch professional)

Music hotlist Music

Network hotlist Network

OfficeTips hotlist Microsoft® Office Tips

Plants hotlist Plants

Software hotlist Software

SoftwareDevelopment hotlist Software development

UnixLinux hotlist Unix / Linux tip

WebDesign hotlist Web design Tips

WindowsTips hotlist Windows, CLI, Batch, PowerShell™ and Hyper-V Tips

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Weather in Waalre by OpenWeatherMap logo broken clouds
Temperature 21.29 °C broken clouds
Wind chill 21.35 °C broken clouds
Humidity 72 % broken clouds
Air pressure 1014 hPa broken clouds
Wind speed 1.54 m/s broken clouds
Wind direction South South broken clouds
Sun Rise 5:55 Sun Rise
Sun Set 21:33 Sun Set
Updated:2024-07-27 12:37:24 broken clouds

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