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Need to quickly make a high quality drawing and do not have your Visio with you? This free online ribbon based drawing software is a fast vector oriented drawing package. It has lots of panels with great and beautiful shapes for flowcharts, workflow, BPM, org charts, network diagrams, UML and electronic circuits. It even has Z-ordering (move shape in front or back), several line and fill styles. It can save your drawing as a XML file on your device for continued editing or finalize your image as PNG, JPG and SVG for use in documents or websites.

Read more for the new AI integration.


Context menus. has context aware format panels on the right side of the browser window. See the examples below. Diagram Properties context menu Diagram Properties context menu Shape Style properties context menu Shape Style properties context menu Shape Text properties context menu Shape Text properties context menu Shape Arrange properties context menu Shape Arrange properties context menu

This context aware format panel can be turned off by clicking the menu item "Format panel" Format panel menu item

Searching for shapes.

The option to search for shapes or images is available by:
  • Click the "More shapes..." button located below left More shapes...
  • Select in the dialog with the checkbox the shape libraries and click the "Apply" button. You can also select other shape templates this way. Select Images

Using external images.

All images stored on a webserver can be used with Draw.IO. Import an image by selecting in the menu "Arrange" | "Insert" | "Insert Image". Next you can enter a webadres (url) pointing to the image or drag it in.
HINT: Remember when using intranet servers containing your images that the proces of downloading images ("File" | "Download as" | "Download as JPG/PNG/GIF/PDF" ) operates in the Cloud. That is why the image source must be reachable over the internet.

NEW AI integration.

Lately has support for Artificial Intelligence. This feature is a bit hidden so check this movie for examples on how it can generate various diagrams using Chat-GPT. AI integration

When opening a file, select the "Smart Template" from the templates list and enter a description for the AI to generate a diagram. By pressing the "Generate" button a different diagram can be generated for the same AI prompt. This saves a lot of time when starting a new drawing.

Tip: Just a reminder, don’t input any personal information into an AI system.

No download necessary

Go to with your favorite browser and start your drawing.

Supported browsers

Chrome 70+, Firefox 70+, Safari 11+, Opera 50+, Native Android browser 7x+, and Edge 79+ include browsers you can use.

Price is free to use for consumer and business use.

Instruction videos

The tutorial videos for can be found at:
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