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How to schedule an url, text or image to appear in XWiki

XWiki is an Linux/Apache based open source wiki tool used for intranets, containing a simple WYSIWYG editor and the often used wiki-source-editor and has a different syntax than Wikipedia and works best with FireFox. Unlike SharePoint, XWiki does not provide for a scheduler to start publishing a page, document or WebPart.
However XWiki supports HTML containers in the XWiki content. In source view the HTML container is started with the {{html}} tag and terminated with the {{/html}} tag. Within the HTML container, all the HTML tags as well as script tags can be used because they are send directly to the browser without any pre-processing. This helps embedding JavaScript or ECMAScript statements and functions in the XWiki page. This enables a script to compare a release date with the current date and publish an Url, image or text part using JavaScript statements.
Just remember that JavaScript month numbering starts at 0!
The following example publishes an Url to a test-document to appear on 2024-06-20. Please remember to paste and modify the example in the XWiki source view.
<script language="javascript">
// (C)Copyright 2016-2024 by Johan van Soest
// Version 1: auto appearing content
// Version 2: auto disappearing content
// month is zero based in JavaScript :-( januar =0 december =11
// link is set up to appear at 2024-06-20 and disappear at 2024-08-26
var ReleaseDate = new Date(2024,5,19);
var StopDate    = new Date(2024,7,27);
var Today       = new Date();
// Debugging statements
// document.write(ReleaseDate);
// document.write("<br />");
// document.write(Today);
// document.write("<br />");
// document.write(StopDate);
// document.write("<br />");
if ((Today>ReleaseDate) && (Today<StopDate)) {
   document.write("<h2><a href ='http://nlaalxwiki/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ScheduledPage'>Scheduled url</a></h2>");
On request of a reader the automatic removal of the web-part has been implemented in the sample.
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Unless stated otherwise, the script sources and programming examples provided are copyrighted freeware. You may modify them, as long as a reference to the original code and hyperlink to the source page is included in the modified code and documentation. However, it is not allowed to publish (copies of) scripts and programming examples on your own site, blog, vlog, or distribute them on paper or any other medium, without prior written consent.
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