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ICT-Hotlist Topic

PowerShell script to find if a HotFix is installed on a Windows computer

This PowerShell script searches though the installed hotfixes for an user specified hotfix number. Only the hotfix number must be typed. The required "KB" string is added by the script for your convenience.
"* This PowerShell Script shows the install date for a HotFix from Microsoft."
"* You only need to provide the KB number."
"* In case the HotFix is not installed, it will also report this."
"* (C)Copyrights 2021 - 2024 by Johan van Soest."
" "

# Ask User for HotFix KB number. Text KB not required
$KBfind = Read-host ">> Enter the HotFix KB number (KB not required)"

# Check for Substring KB and Add if necessary.
if($KBFind.ToUpper() -notlike 'KB*'){ 
    $KBfind = "KB" + $KBfind

# Ok now get the hotfixes in an Array
$HotFixArray = Get-HotFix

# Set up default result
$Result = "HotFix: $KBFind not found"

# Set up the counter for the progress bar
$Counter = 0

# Search the Array for the HotFix and the install date also display a progress bar

foreach($HotFix in $HotFixArray){
    if ($Hotfix.HotFixID -eq $KBfind)
        $Result = "HotFix " + $HotFix.HotFixID + " was installed on " + $HotFix.InstalledOn.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
        Break # We have found the HotFix, so break the loop to save some microseconds ;-)
        $PercentageDone = [math]::round((($Counter++ / $HotFixArray.Length) * 100))
        Write-Progress -Activity "Searching for HotFix $KBFind" -Status "$PercentageDone% Done" -PercentComplete $PercentageDone

This script produces the following (example) output to screen:
* This PowerShell Script shows the install date for a HotFix from Microsoft.
* You only need to provide the KB number.
* In case the HotFix is not installed, it will also report this.
* (C)Copyrights 2021 - 2024 by Johan van Soest.
>> Enter the HotFix KB number (KB not required): 4598481
HotFix KB4598481 was installed on 2021-01-13

PS C:\Windows\system32> 
Or in case the script did not find the HotFix:
* This PowerShell Script shows the install date for a HotFix from Microsoft.
* You only need to provide the KB number.
* In case the HotFix is not installed, it will also report this.
* (C)Copyrights 2021 - 2024 by Johan van Soest.
>> Enter the HotFix KB number (KB not required): 2376237623
HotFix: KB2376237623 not found
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Unless stated otherwise, the script sources and programming examples provided are copyrighted freeware. You may modify them, as long as a reference to the original code and hyperlink to the source page is included in the modified code and documentation. However, it is not allowed to publish (copies of) scripts and programming examples on your own site, blog, vlog, or distribute them on paper or any other medium, without prior written consent.
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